Writing skills is one of the 4 English language skills in addition to listening, speaking and reading. Writing skills include productive or produce other than speaking skills. Writing learning in schools has not been through the correct process. Teachers often delegates the task of writing without giving proper steps to be able to produce good work.
Writing is not simply a matter of putting words together, it is a recursive process, It is a process of revision and rewriting. Teaching writing means We create a pedagogy that helps students see writing as continuous process of Revising and rewriting as They invent, plan, Their draft text.
Furthermore Carderonello and Edwards (1986:5) explain in their book Raugh Draft as follows: specify that there are five components in the process of writing, namely:
- Inventing: Namely to find and generate ideas / ideas of students, what will students write or tell, steps can find ideas in many ways such as reading, talking, brainstorming, questions, etc. mindmapping.
- Planning: the stages of how students are trying to determine how to convey ideas. This stage students will be raised the issue, purpose, reader, text structure and tone of the text to be written.
- Drafting: In this stage, students tried to form a material or materials into text. Draft sustainable written, from draft 1, draft 2 and draft 3 to be the final result.
- Revising: revise including adding a new idea, another idea of eliminating some of the words or ideas that do not need or reconstruct what has been written in the draft.
- Editing: Editing is polishing a piece of writing from various aspects such as, spelling, tenses, choice of words and others.
hal utama yang siswa smp temui saat mreka mau nulis sebuah tulisan adalah vocabullary yg kurang ... bner ga sii??
BalasHapusya betul tu dik,,,, semakin lama seorang siswa bisa berbicara atau menulis dalam bahasa inggris tergantung dari seberapa banyak dia bisa menghapal vocabulary yang ada. begitu dik :)
BalasHapussaya setuju senior... sebenarnya kendala utama kenapa agak susah dalam menyerap vocabulary apa siihh??
BalasHapussebenarnya dengan adanya pertambahan vocabulary yg baru yg bikin agak ribet dik, cos tiap hari bisa ada 3-4 vocabulary baru, vocabulary kan jga bisa mencakup pronunciation, intonation an spellling jadi semua harus dipelajari :)
BalasHapuswahhh...mesti harus sering update vocab ini....
BalasHapusheheheh harus itu :)